Wednesday, July 3, 2024

11 weeks and 1 day

Well, it's been 1 week since the construction crews left us and my house is still an utter disaster! haha 
BUT I did grab some pics before we started moving back into our space.  So here is pic overload and I promise to update room by room as we get things moved back into place.

This is the dry bar area- it's hard to see the glass shelves but I do have that area almost finished so you'll get to see the better pics soon.

The microwave area.  We have the toaster over here and so far it's working perfectly. 

Pendant lights over the island and the can lights in the ceilings have dimmers on them.  Everyone knows how much I hate the bright can lights.  

A closer view of the pendant lights.

Reggie's little feeding station, he loves it already and knows it's just for him.
Filling his water bowl is so easy with that water spigot.

I must have taken another pic further back.  It seems like so long ago now.

We opted not to move the location of our refrigerator and it's taking a bit used to how the flow works in the kitchen but Hubster is in love with his ginormous refrigerator and freezer.

I took this pic from beside the refrigerator looking to the other side of the kitchen.  You can see Reggie is very happy to have full run of the whole house again. 

My big, beautiful stove.   I really wanted that yellow range but this is giving me all the feels and I'm glad i compromised on the range and kept the tile backsplash.

Looking down the long island to the den area.

You can see most of the kitchen from this view.  My island is big and I'm ready to get all my things put away and off the island. 

This faucet gave everyone fits, it's a no-touch faucet but it runs on electricity, not batteries and it took some finagling to get it to work but it's awesome.  Of course, there is my beloved cup wash too.   That's the cheapest upgrade you can make to your kitchen that will pay huge dividends.

You can see my big, gorgeous apron front sink a little bit better here. 
I love the built-in drainboard on the left side. 

The quietest dishwasher I've ever owned.   You can never tell it's running.

Some close up action of the kitchen hardware.  

Another peek at my stove.  I've used it several times and I think I'm finally getting the hang of it.

Before the cabinet doors went on, I had mixed feelings about the hood vent but after it was all complete, I was satisfied.   That was one of the harder parts of not having a designer to work with, I had to make all the decisions and I second and third, and fourth-guessed my choices many times!

This is a close-up of the controversial water spigot in the coffee bar area.  I personally love this and use it multiple times a day.  My one regret is that I did not make this a hot/cold dispenser.  Of course, that's something we can add later on if we decide to but it is so handy for filling Reggie's water bowl, making our "vitamin" drinks every day, and also for filling up the coffee pot.   We did put a water filter on it so it's good filtered water.   

I've got lots more to show you but that's all for tonight, I've got a neighborhood 4th of July parade bright and early in the morning so I need to hit the hay.  

Let me do a super quick gratitude because I'm indeed most grateful for so many things. 
1) My new kitchen: this was a long, expensive project and I'm forever grateful that we were able to do this.
2) This project being complete- I mean I do miss chatting with the construction crew every day but man, I'm glad to use my whole house and sleep late and not have to decide whose car needs to be moved to the street.
3) Great neighbors- so many of our incredible neighbors invited us over to have dinner with them or pick us up to join them for dinner out.  Almost 3 months of not cooking can take a toll on you and they helped keep us sane.
4) My amazing Hubster who let me run with this project and didn't question too many of my decisions.
5) UPS, FedEx, USPS, and all delivery folks, and my garbage pick-up crew.  I've ordered, returned, and kept so many things these past three months.   My poor trash guys had to pick up a SOFA box filled with broken-down boxes last week.  I'm sure I'm not their favorite stop, I just hope they know their hard work in this ridiculous heat is much appreciated!

More to come!
Peace, Love & Fireworks!

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

We're rounding the last corner

Hi Dee Ho Peeps!

Well, last night we got you guys mostly caught up with the shenanigans around here in a rather lengthy post.  We'll try to keep it down today but no promises, I tend to ramble!

The ginormous refrigerator/freezer is in and we are using it! Woohoo!!!
(There she goes with those ding dang exclamation marks again!)

The stairwell is all done and all those little blue tape scratches have been repaired now.

Our new sofa got a box!  Who knew??!!

Hubster got the new light fixture installed in the garage entry area.
It's so much brighter than the "boob" light it replaced.

It's reading yellow in this pic but it was getting dark so the lighting was wonky.

I had another fixture to put here outside the Merebear and Abogg's rooms but it didn't work so we just added a can light.  It's still brighter so that's good. 

We have cabinet doors here too!!

We got cabinet doors on Monday!  Woohoo and my stove is just still so lovely. 
Now I just need to figure out how to use it!

The microwave station is all set up and waiting on knobs/pulls.  That's what is in that box by the way.

Dry bar just needs the glass shelves installed.

New furniture!  We moved the furniture in and put it all together last night.
You'll see the full pics tomorrow...hopefully!  We covered it up before they arrived this morning just in case any painting got done in that area today. 

That was the State of Union on Monday evening.  Today has been hardware installation, final paint touch-ups, and attempting to fix my precious stove that the propane company messed up when they came to do a leak check.  grrrrrrrr   Hector is on it and is bound and determined to find a way to repair the leg they messed up.   

Alright, let's finish out dinner and such from the past weekend

Friday evening:  We headed out to dinner with our amazing neighbors at BoomerJacks
I'm telling you, our neighbors always call just when we need them to!

Saturday:  Hubster and I tried to obtain heat stroke levels while working in the yard all day long.  He mowed and trimmed, and I weeded the entire garden.   We cleaned up and headed to Costco to replenish the depleted stock around here.   Roberto wandered over and we had Salad w/ Sirloin beef strips for dinner.     Costco pound cake with berries finished off the meal then we waited on Court and MattC to arrive.   They got in at about 11 and we fell exhausted into bed. 

Sunday:  We had some breakfast then hung out in the pool with them for a bit.  PennPenn is scheduled for surgery in mid-July so she and Reggie Roni didn't get to play.   Reggie was not happy about that at all. 
After they headed out we installed light fixtures, moved stuff into the refrigerator and freezer, and all around pretended we could continue to live in that part of the house.  We had chips & salsa for dinner with some ice cream.   We were tired!

Monday evening:  After everyone left we headed to Lowe's to pick up a few things we needed so we grabbed a quick bite to eat at Braum's.   We keep saying it's the last time we have to eat out in the middle of the week, and then there we go again! haha 

Let's do some gratitude and get you people out of here for the day!
1) Light at the end of the tunnel- I can see it, it's coming!
2) Air conditioning - people it's hot here in Texas, like really hot
3) Contractors who care and don't say "That's not my problem".  Hector is doing everything he can to fix something the gas company broke.
4) A sofa to sit on and watch TV- those camping chairs were getting to be hard on the back.  I ain't no spring chicken no more!
5)  Seeing all the kids in the past 3 weeks!  Plus my niece, it fills my heart to see all of them and get that visual that they are all good!

See ya tomorrow and here's to hoping an end date is set!
Peace, Love, & Stay Cool

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