So this is my inspiration piece
and you can click here to see where you could have ordered this Valentine Dish. Apparently a lot more people are willing to pay $14 for it than I was. It is very cute but I made this first attempt at it last week before I could really find the type of dish I was looking for and this is my practice one.
Now I realize mine isn't as fancy smancy at the PB version but hey....I think it's rather cute. It's currently residing on my bedside table to hold my rings and things. I did find some dishes more the shape of the inspiration piece but you are just gonna have to wait until later to see them. Mostly because I haven't made them yet! I'm getting there and yes I realize Valentine's Day is really close so I'm getting on those just as soon as I finish this here blog post.
So all kinds of crazy creative peeps are putting out on the internet some free printables and well...I'm just in total LURVE with them. Maybe a little too much because this was a practical purchase yesterday at the ole' Tarjay.
SHUT UP!!!! 6 black 5x7 frames for $9.99!! If they only had an 8x10 pack my day would have been complete. hee hee I know there are peeps out there who would have squealed just like me and snatched this up too, so run to the Tarjay near you and snag up this good deal before they are all gone and then you can make this little cutie.
I haven't put it out yet because I'm working on a friend to accompany it. However if you lurvy dovey this is as much as I did then you should head right over to here (Barn Owl Primitives) and snag yourself a download too. Loving this new site and I bet you'll be seeing her little ole' button showing up in my bloggy sidebar soon too! In the world of teeth are still tender and I was quietly reminded of that fact when I scarfed myself a big bite of that burger yesterday. Owie owie I had rice for dinner. Just white rice with sugar and evaporated milk. yuuuummmm. I know I'm probably the only one you know who eats that but it's deee-vine I tell ya. This morning I saw those poor little zucchini and yellow squash on my kitchen counter and I just HAD to do a little something with them before they shriveled up completely. So I chopped them up
and then gave them a little olive oil, salt, pepper and thyme covering and then popped them in the oven at 375 degrees for about 15 or 20 minutes while I ran the vacuum and did a little tidy up
In a few days I'll be doing a little something with these
yep a few more days and they will be just about ready for a special treat to hit the mail for the kiddos at college. :0) Nothing says lovin' like something from the oven!!!
Ok, so now I shall bid you adieu and retreat to the upstairs and craft my lil ole heart out. More tomorrow on the spoils of our shopping bonanza but until then I bid you:
Peace, Love and Yummies!!!