Monday, January 6, 2020

Monday Musings 2020

Hi Peeps!!

It's 2020!!!!   I'm still sad this didn't happen......


However, I'm going to attempt to re-enter the world of blogging, oh it may not be much to write home about but I'll come up with something.

In other news, I just finished my 2020 Detox.   Yeah, it's January 6th and I'm done with it, I'm just fancy like that!


Ok, fine.....I had a stomach virus. Details, details!    Hubster and I made our annual pilgrimage to Dillards on New Years Day and I should have known when I couldn't finish my first cup of coffee and switched to hot tea that something was wrong.   We trekked through Dillards (scored a major deal on some Tumi luggage) and then headed home.   Later that afternoon I started dinner, the usual Southern meal:  Black eye peas, cabbage, greens, ham and biscuits and we were still at the table and I felt a little rumbly in my tummy and made a quick exit to the restroom.   Well, that my friends was the beginning of a VERY long night.  Let me just say that if you have never vomited black eye peas then you should thank your lucky stars!!!  So here we are 5 days later on January 6th and I had a big spoonful of scalloped potatoes, roasted green beans and a few bites of brisket for dinner and that's the first thing I've had since January 1 that wasn't liquid.  I had a little soup Friday night, Saturday and Sunday night but nothing solid save a few saltines, which reappeared a few hours later.  Anywho, the holiday pounds are gone and I think we might finally be resuming normal.  Time will tell but thankfully I seem to be the only family member who was blessed with this involuntary detox program.

I'm still working on getting my planner set up for the new year and it's possible I might actually get the Christmas decorations down before Valentine's Day!   It was a beautiful day Sunday and Hubster and I managed to get all the outside decor down and stored back in the garage attic so our HOA will be happy.   The light guy should be by sometime this week to take those down but the inside of the house looks like the Hallmark movie crew came in, decorated, filmed and abandoned ship.  It's a hot Christmas mess around here indeed!  

I've still got to find a ballgown for the Mardi Gras ball and we have things to order for Hubster to throw in the parade and finally I've got like 4 or 5 condo contracts to write up.   Yep, the holidays are over!

Well, hopefully tomorrow I'll have something more interesting to add to the conversation.  In the meantime everyone wash your hands, germs are everywhere!

Peace, Love & Toilet Paper

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