Friday, March 27, 2020

10 Tips for Quarantine Times

Hey There Ho There Peeps!!!

Well, here we are again with nothing but Time.   With everyone stuck in the house I thought I'd share some pointers with you on ways to keep your house and you from becoming a disaster zone.

First up, I "loosely" live by the FlyLady and her practices.  If you are TOTALLY living in C.H.A.O.S. and don't know where to start I highly recommend you start with her.  You'll never be overwhelmed and little by little you'll get all those big projects done.  

In the meantime here are a few tips to help you out during this time:

1) Unless you are working form home and your job requires it, don't beat yourself up over getting off your schedule.  We're all going to be "off" for quite some time, go easy on yourself.


2) Spend 15 minutes at some point during the day sweeping/vacuuming/dusting.    I mean we all know there are chip and cookie crumbs all around our workspaces.  haha  I'm not telling you to clean your entire house and spend hours, just find 15 minutes when your activity tracker is telling you to stand up to do some light tidying up around the house.

3)  Do a load of laundry.  Just one load, wash, dry, fold, put away.  Don't let the laundry take over, a load a day keeps mount wash more away!!  (Flylady)  Also, you need to change your clothes anyway your pj's are starting to smell.  (Case in point: While I wrote this blog post I washed a load,  moved them to the dryer then folded and put away; easy, peasy)

4) On that note, take a bath/shower EVERY DAY!   I personally don't take one as soon as I get up, mine usually occurs around noon and sometimes I read in the tub for an hour or so. It doesn't matter when but do take some sort of bath/shower every day.   And put some lotion on those dry hands!


5) Take the 15 minutes before you head off to bed to empty the kitchen sink of dirty dishes and start the dishwasher if necessary.  No dishwasher? Wash those dishes NOW.   Believe me, waking up to a sink full of dirty dishes is a good way to start your day off wrong.


6) Speaking of starting the day off:  Get up, go relieve yourself, drink a glass of water and MAKE YOUR BED!!    Don't let that bed tempt you to nap all day, you should do this every day but during this quarantining it's especially important.  And don't forget, at least once a week those sheets should get washed too.


7)  Get coffee pot, water, clothes, etc ready for the next day.   Hubster lays out his clothes the night before religiously and while he's doing those things I usually get the coffee pot ready to go so all I have to do is hit the button in the morning.  I also get Hubster's big water glass filled up and in the refrigerator so he can grab it as he goes to work out in his office.    Seeeee, the sink is clean and you have everything you need to start the day!


8)  Take a walk, even if it's only 15 minutes. Hopefully you have some area near your home where you can get outside and you can still practice your social distancing.  The fresh air will do you some good and your watch probably already told you to stand up anyways.  If you can't make sure you are doing something physical for at least 15-20 minutes a day even if it's chasing your toddler down for a bath.


9) Try to limit your social media time.....I know this one is seriously hard but try.  Decide to hop on Facebook, check out some blogs, look for some meme's then set the timer.  Set the timer for 15 minutes then get up from the computer and do something else.  You can come back later but try to limit the amount of gloom and doom you expose yourself to each day.


10)  Take care of yourself, mentally.  Write in a journal, meditate, sit outside in the quiet, take a bath, make a gratitude list, etc.  Whatever GIVES you a mental boost, we are all different and we all need different ways to clear our minds of the stresses of the day.   Do what works for you and don't forget that sometimes, doing for others helps you more than them and that 1 extra cookie isn't going to kill you.  (unless you are a diabetic then it might but you already know that!)

Stay safe, wash your hands and BE KIND to everyone, we are all doing our best!

Peace, Love & Hand Sanitizer!

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