Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Pennington Rejuvenate Plant Food

Hey Peeps!!

I'm back for another quick post on a recent product I was gifted to try in exchange for my honest opinion.

If you are new around here (well, welcome!) but you should know, my opinions cannot be bought.  If I like it, I'll tell ya....If I don't like it, then I'll tell ya.  There's no marshmallow coating the world around here.

So I received the following product to test and try in exchange for my opinion.

This is the Pennington Rejuvenate Rose & Flower plant food.
As you can see I have it next to a gorgeous potted plant that I picked up.

Now the bad news.....2 weeks later and several of my plants have died.  The plant is getting appropriate sun and water so I figure a couple of things happened.  1) I used too much of the product and they burned up 2) Maybe those flowers didn't need it just yet

Sad, but not enough to discount the worth of the product.

This is a geranium on my front porch and sadly, I forgot to take a before pic so this is the after.
The geranium doesn't seem to want to bloom any longer and it could be because frankly it gets really warm in Texas and they do fizzle out.  It was also losing a lot of leaves and generally just looking sad.  I started using the food and 2 weeks later I do see some leaves returning and the plant filling back out so I'm going to continue using the plant food in hopes that we will keep some of the flowers going stronger this year.   Texas gets so hot and so much sun that we have to water almost everyday so I'm hoping by adding some good food back into the mix that we can coax a few extra blooms out. 

This is what the website indicates:
This blend of organic and natural ingredients combines earthworm castings, beneficial microorganisms such as microbes and mycorrhizae, and humic acids to improve the soil environment and nourish plants from the inside out.

I love to plant flowers and garden but I never use any type of pesticides on those items.  I'm planting flowers for the pollinators: birds, hummingbirds, bees, and such.   So I don't want any pesticides on those things for sure.  In the garden, I'm often found grabbing things off the vine, giving them a quick wipe with my shirt and popping in my mouth.  That's especially true for cherry tomatoes.   Our fur boy, Reggie, especially loves the asparagus straight out of the garden!  It's a tasty treat for him and you can see why we don't use pesticides in the garden.   In the event, I choose to wage war on the grasshoppers....I will occasionally spray things with Neem Oil.      The fact that this is an organic, natural product gives me the confidence to use in my plants and know that I'm not harming my little pollinators.

You can pick some up at your local Lowe's or Home Depot and I can tell you that I'm going to searching out a product for my many houseplants.  They need some love too! 

Thanks to Pennington and BzzAgent for the opportunity to try the product in exchange for my honest opinions.  

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