Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

Well Merry Christmas my peeps!
I've been cooking and eating and cooking and eating and I'm gonna pop!!  But until January 2nd, the holidays aren't over so I'm just gonna keep on doing it!!  I will have some new recipes and posts for you and there are many where I just got too stinking busy to take photos but hey that's just the way it goes sometimes!

In the meantime we've enjoyed our little family, missed the ones who aren't here with us and got word this morning that my crazy fun brother-in-law got his Christmas wish....a new grandson born today on his birthday. Which is especially joyful BIL's son was born on his grandfathers birthday!!
It's been a great day of present opening and the kids getting way more than they wished for and the hubster and I feeling so blessed that we could shower the kiddos with gifts.   It seemed like the present opening went on for hours and we now have the trash to prove it!!

I'll try to be around some this week but as we clean and take down the decorations and shop a little bit more I'll be enjoying my family and I hope you will be too!  You never know when you won't have them any longer and Christmas morning is a time that I find especially difficult.  My dad wasn't much on most holidays and celebrations except Christmas and every year when we sit down for that big Christmas breakfast I think of him and wish that he was still here enjoying the biscuits and gravy like always.  Instead he's in heaven attending Jesus' birthday party and smiling down on us and feeling our love.


Merry Christmas....our new tradition, Christmas pj photos!!
Things to remember, this was taken about 2am after we attended Midnight Mass
AND hubster only took about 5 photos total.  We didn't have much to work with!!

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