Hey Peeps!!!
I'm bruised, exhausted and trying not to think about the fact that we are about to do this all over again in a few weeks.
I figured an update on the shenanigans of the household were in order and since I have 3 guys digging up my front yard at the moment it seemed like the perfect opportunity to do just that.
So Last Thursday we said our final goodbye to this place.

We closed at 1 on Thursday and I'd like to tell you that I was happy but I was so bittersweet. I cried all the way to the rent house. Yes it was "just a house" but it was mine and Hubsters first house together, where our families combined and so many great memories were made. We had lots of crazy fun parties, study sessions involving pizza and Doritos and Dr. Pepper, lots of movie marathons, a bridal shower, more than a few birthday celebrations and football watching and most of all family and friends staying with us. The house was big and could handle our crazy life and our love of being surrounded by our friends and family every chance we could grab. Yes, the house holds so many wonderful memories and I hope that it sees tenfold more with the new owners. Some advice I'm giving and trying to remember myself, ENJOY your house. Open it to friends and family, they don't care if you haven't vacuumed today they only care that you made them feel welcome. My house is not a model or a replica of a magazine, it's a home where the best decorations are the people who come to visit and be licked by a crazy dog!
So enough with the sappiness and let's move on to the rental house. I showed you guys the photos from the MLS listing. If you missed them just click
here and now I'll show you the chaos that it has become. First thing you need to know, the big house was 3900+ sq. feet and we are temporarily living in 2103 sq. feet. Soooo essentially we are living in half the house we used to. Thank goodness for self storage units!!
That my friends is a Diet Coke explosion and it was the second one we had in the refrigerator. So along with moving, I got to clean that mess up not once but twice. Our refrigerator thinks we need to keep things SUPER cold.
We ate fast food for like 2 or 3 weeks straight while painting and packing and moving. I made home made chicken salad and seriously, it was like the best meal ever!
The nice thing about moving is you find things that have been missing for like 3 years, like car keys. Yep, found those suckers behind a chest in Aboggs closet and no lie, we've searched high and low for those things for 3 stinking years! It even has a Starbies card on it with money still in the account...SCORE!
I had an email on Friday that I had a FedEx package to be delivered at the big house so I jumped on the phone and called Fed Ex and asked them to hold that puppy at the distribution center because it was from Southern Living and I did NOT want to miss out on that!!
We picked it up on Saturday morning while we were out doing some errands or something other than pack boxes and move. It was a happy box to open!!!!
What could it be?
Just getting this out of the box was a chore and I was so excited to dig in, it was stuffed to the gills!
WOW!!! This is the most awesome thing!! It was stuffed full of all kinds of crazy good stuff and I'm gonna just bore you to death with the goodie list!! (I've included links when I could)
Special Edition magazines by Southern Living: Chicken Recipes, Style Guides & Gardening
Southern Living Reusable Grocery Tote
$50 Visa Gift Card
Southern Living Notepad
$10 Starbucks gift cards
Southern Living Koozies
4 tickets to the Idea House In Palmetto Bluff, SC
(opens in June 2014)
SERIOUSLY!!! Is this not the best!! All because I shared photos like this a LOT on instagram and twitter during the Southern Living Almased trial I participated in.
So thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my little Southern Heart for my goodies!!! I've loved Southern Living and subscribed to the magazine since my mid twenties so needless to say I'm thrilled beyond words!
Now back to chaos....
In a sea of chaos just make your bed. It'll make you feel a bit better. I mean really I had not completely made my bed in 3 weeks. So even though we are minimally unpacking around here I dug out the throw pillows and everything and just made that bed right up and pretended the rest of the room didn't look like this:
Yep, same room different view. :-) Keeping it real!!
Oh and the beauty in the front, she's my new vacuum cleaner because you know our Dyson just decided to DIE in the middle of cleaning out the big house. So we got to go vacuum cleaner shopping on Saturday too!
Here she is from above, I love her she's a Miele and it is the Marin model so I'm just calling her Mary. Mary is the bomb and if you are in the market for a vacuum and live in DFW I HIGHLY recommend you go visit Abraham at
Evans Vacuum Cleaner, Co. You tell him all about your floors, your preferences, your house, your lifestyle and he'll get you fixed up with the best vacuum cleaner for you! I honestly cannot say enough about how great he was to work with and how happy I am with my new vacuum.
This is Lilli, she's been VERY VERY bad since we moved into the house. She's been peeing and pooing on Alex's bed and then last night she and the fat dog got in a fight. Ow cha mama!!! Never a dull moment.
NOW for the 2.5 update!! You may have noticed I've mentioned a few times that we aren't unpacking and I've been keeping it quiet to let things settle out and make sure we were actually going to get it but WE BOUGHT ANOTHER HOUSE!!!
The rental house sold in 24 hours and we should be closing next week on it soooooo we'll be moving to this pretty soon!
Yep, we finally found our next "perfect for us" house. You'll be getting lots of peeks and looks soon but briefly it's on 1.7 acres, 4 bedrooms and 4 full baths plus 2 half baths and a smidgen bit smaller than the last big house. Hubster is still toying with his name of the house: 1) Wayne Manor (his middle name and a nod to Batman) or 2) Wayne's World. Wayne's World is probably a better description of our lifestyle that is for sure! We're super excited and ready to get moved and unpacked and settled in for many years to come!!! So even though it's no longer March we'll keep going with March Madness and you can see what we'll be doing with this place!
I leave you with this thought: If you are thinking about selling your house, renovating another house, sell it and then buy a house, it's best if you not do that during tax season! mercy....I can't decide which crisis or crucial item on my to do list gets done first. With that I'm off to deliver the taxes to the FedEx office for the accountant, return the Verizon boxes and make a donation at the animal shelter of tons of old bath towels.
Take care my peeps and stay tuned!!!!
Peace, Love & Bruises