Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Ice gods taketh away

Good Evening Peeps!!

Long time no chat, I wish I could tell you it's because things have moved so swiftly that I haven't had time to keep up.  Alas, that is quite the opposite.  It's been a very frustrating week, to say the least and we started out on Monday voicing those concerns to Hector.  In case you've lost track we are currently in week 9 of this 6-8 week project.     There have been days where workers were here for 4 or 5 hours and days where no one worked. F-R-U-S-T-R-A-T-I-N-G for sure!

Let's start the recap because this is how it begins:

Remember my ice from the ice machine that made me oh so very happy?
Yeah, well, somewhere along the way wires were crossed and we ended up with a gravity drain and not a pump on the ice maker so the water was just sitting in the bin.  We had to turn it off and order a pump, the pump is in but it's still not installed and I am sad once again.    However, MereBear and Reygun stopped by last weekend for some early Father's Day frolicking and we turned that sucker back on.  I just got the ole' turkey baster and sucked the water out twice a day.  Small price to pay for the joy of ice in my beverages!


Every morning we get up and by 7:30 we've got the house opened up, the lights turned on and usually, one car moved to the street.  Typically, the Hubster's car moves out to the street so he can go swimming at the health club.  This day we must have both needed to go somewhere and I'd like to formally apologize to my neighbors.   I know you are sick of the cars being on the street and believe me, we are equally ready to not have to play car shuffle every day. 

This is the face of a happy girl who has her washer and dryer back in the laundry room.
Nothing else is back in that room but the washer and dryer and I can assure you, they've been getting a workout.  Laundromat days were no fun at all!

Looks like the big doors have some trim around them in this picture. It feels like a lifetime ago that I took this but it's really only been a week.

I've lost track of the number of times this has been taped over and covered up.   This is exactly what it still looks like a week later, they still haven't gotten to painting that hood vent yet. 

And there's my little ice machine just pining for his pump to be installed.  
Oh wait, that's me just crying because I really do want to have ice again. 

But this is a glorious site indeed!

Francisco the Magnificent came back Monday to add the tile around the fireplace because of CODES.
Anywho, he'll be back in a few days to grout.

Reggie has the right idea, let's just sleep through this project. Those pillows will have to be tossed, he's wallowed them to death.  

We're up-to-date and the fireplace has been grouted, and the trim painted.

The stairs are up and ready for paint.  The walls could use some paint too!

One of the kitchen windows has the first coat of white but the other is still blue.
You can also see exactly how far they can paint with the current ladder.  

That's it folks, you see what has been done in a week and I think you can understand our frustration.  We've been promised that when we return from Chicago we should be 95% done.   I'm not believing it until I see it!   In case you needed a reminder, when we return Tuesday evening it will be the start of week 10 so quite frankly, we better be ding dang close to wrapping things up! If not, it may look like this.

Let's talk dinners, shall we?

Thurs., June 6:  I made some Barramundi and a big salad.  Tasteeeeey!
Everything in the salad except the lettuce and carrots came from the garden.
Tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, & green beans all fresh!

Got my plate all ready!
The stuff on the top left is the squash that was leftover from the salad, I cooked it with the fish.

Poured me a glass of wine and off to the patio for dinner.

Fri. June 7:  We had Rotisserie chicken and potato salad from the grocery.  It was tasty, believe it or not.
Sat., June 8: The girls were here and we snacked most of the day while in the pool then later that evening we headed over to BoomerJacks for some dinner.   No one knew what they felt like eating and BoomerJacks has a little of everything.
Sun., June 9: We grilled hot dogs and they were delicious, end of story.   I forgot pics or I was starving, could go either way since we'd all been in the pool most of the afternoon.
Mon., June 10:  I whipped up some Chicken Quesadillas with the leftover Rotisserie chicken.

We just piled the plate high, poured some salsa into a bowl, and sat on the couch with the plate between us.
That is more cucumber water in my glass and the reason I'm getting up to go to the bathroom about 4 times a night now!

Tues., June 11: Hubster had a big salad and I had PB on crackers.  I started taking a new supplement that I apparently do not need but I've felt like death warmed over this week.  Dinner had no interest for me.
Wed., June 12:  We did a rare thing and went to a concert last night.  I drug the poor Hubster to see SilverSun Pickup at Tannahill's down in the FW Stockyards.  We had dinner at the restaurant prior to the show.  I had fish tacos and Hubster had the ribs.  They were quite tasty and the show was awesome!

Thurs., June 13: I air fried some of the Bare chicken patties and we ate those. No kidding, there were 3 left in the bag and that's what we had for dinner.   Then we had some ice cream.   We leave tomorrow evening for Chicago and we didn't want any leftovers.   Plus we'll be eating good in the Windy City with Abogg and AprilMayJune! 

Let's get to the Gratitudes because ya girl needs to hit the hay!

1) My washer & dryer: I will never take those for granted
2) Weekend with MereBear & Reygun: it was a chill weekend and what we needed
3) Quick trip to the nail salon- off with those fake nails for good
4) A fun mid-week date night with the Hubster, we need to do things like that more often
5) Kim, my acupuncturist because she rocks!!!  
Bonus: House of Dragons returns this weekend!!

Here's to hoping next Wednesday you see an almost finished kitchen!

Peace, Love, & Dragons!

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