Monday, June 3, 2024

We're still here

Hey Peeps!!

I had great hopes for big progress pictures for you but alas, I do not.  I'm not going to lie, I'm a little down today and I've tried really hard to not fall apart and remind myself things are worth it but it's getting harder to do that.  Tomorrow will mark the 8 week milestone, you know the longest we were supposed to be in this and we are definitely not coming to end.   BUT, we're trying to focus on being positive so let's see what we got for you.

Friday, Francisco was grouting his little heart out all day and the goal was to get the floor finished and the backsplash grouted.  Sadly, he got about ⅓ of the floor completed and none of the backsplash.   What did get done is perfect and for some reason I only have pics of the floor before the grout dried completely.  I'll try to snap some tonight but this is what it looked like Friday evening after Francisco left for the day.

Laundry room is completed.

The area on the sink side of the island.

Another laundry room pictures, I'm just a thrilling bucket of information today! haha

The garage entry area is also done.

You can see where he stopped for the day.  He also got the pantry completed but for some reason I can't find that picture.

Saturday was the first weekend that no workers have been at the house.  Hector wanted everyone to have a full weekend, including  us.  We took advantage of that and all three of us (Reggie included) slept late Saturday and Sunday.   Even knowing it was just pushing us further behind, I think we all needed the break.   

Saturday morning we dodged the crazy weather around here and got the yard work taken care of.  Then we got cleaned up and since we had more rain coming we took off to Nebraska Furniture Mart to see about the new den furniture.  Reggie was thrilled because we pulled the gates down and let him roam all over the house while we were gone.   He enjoyed he's run of the house all weekend and was none too happy when he realized this morning the gates had reappeared.  

After much searching we finally settled on a sofa and an additional chair to match the one we already have in the house.   We searched high and low for a console table as well and found one that I really liked but didn't get it before we left.   I wanted to come home and do some additional searching before I pulled that trigger.   

Sunday after sleeping in a bit, Hubster sat in the hot tub and then we created templates of the size of the furniture we purchased so we could get an idea of how we were going to be placing the furniture once it arrives.  Turns out, that second chair wasn't going to fit no matter how much we tried.   He left me to my paper cutouts and headed out with the neighbor to finish building the "house" to go around our new water softener.   We are trying to keep it out of the direct afternoon sun an also from freezing in the winter.  The softener has to be placed where the main water comes in to the house so we didn't really get to pick the best location.       I had Hubster help me bring in two of the new barstools when we were playing with the furniture placement and so I just moved my computer to the island and pretended my kitchen was done. 

I also had some avocado toast with and egg and tomato from the garden and some sriracha sauce. It was quite delicious!

And yes, I ate right off the cutting board because we've already established we "fancy" around here.
(that was definitely a joke peeps- remember I'm washing my dishes standing in the bathtub)

Then I promptly got on a chat with a NFM rep and cancelled the order for the chair.  They were very understanding and since it is on backorder and not due to be shipped until August, it wasn't really a big deal.   Then I hopped back on line and ordered the sofa table, end table and coffee table for the den and was lucky enough to schedule their delivery the same day the sofa is set to be delivered.   

And now you are caught up, as underwhelming as it is.

Let's talk about the equally underwhelming dinners too.

Thursday evening we had a very exciting dinner *insert sarcasm*.  I started with a "salad" of cucumbers and tomatoes. The cucumbers were straight out of our garden but not the cherry tomatoes because some how in my garden planting I only planted one cherry tomato plant!   I cannot explain my actions.

Just cucumber, tomato with some salt & pepper.
Hey, it's vegetables so we'll take it.

Grabbed the almond four tortillas from the freezer and whipped up some cheese quesadilla's. You can't see but the quesadilla's have chopped up jalapeƱos that came from the garden as well. 

Friday night, we tried to eat leftover Hamburger helper but it tasted really weird so we had garlic bread dipped in leftover spaghetti sauce.    Fascinating material we're working with here!

Saturday we stopped at a restaurant Hubster has wanted to eat at for a while now, LaHacienda Ranch.
It was REALLY busy but we lucked in to a couple of seats at the bar and decided to enjoy our dinner there.   We both ordered margaritas, his frozen and fruity, mine strong and on the rocks because that's what happens after you've been furniture shopping all day.   We enjoyed our dinner but felt like the drinks were a wee bit over priced but at least they were good.  We stopped for dipped cones on the way home at DQ.

Sunday, after working around the house all day, we realized neither of us had eaten since breakfast and we did something we rarely do.  We Door Dashed some Firehouse sub sandwiches.  I have no pics because mine was gone 5 minutes after it arrived but I had the Hook & Ladder, minus the onion and Hubster had The Italian.   They had free delivery for a first time order so that's how we ended up eating Firehouse Subs, sometimes we are very frugal!   I did tip the driver!

The guys are here working on baseboards and crown molding, the grouting,  and then the plumber swung by.  She was supposed to be hooking up the appliances and fixing the leaky washer & dryer valves but the grouting isn't done so she'll be back next week.  Sooooo, now you see where my Monday Blues are coming from, we will be at least 2 weeks over due on the completion of this project.  Ya'll I'm ready to clean my house and get moved in my kitchen again.    Not to mention MereBear and the Reygun will be here this weekend and her room is currently holding all my pantry and half the laundry room.  They'll have to sleep out in Court's room and then next Friday we fly to Chicago so I'll have to break the news that the work will have to stop on Friday by 4 so we can get to the airport and then they won't be able to work again until Tuesday of the next week.  Not to mention my furniture is being delivered on the 21st and come hell or high water it's going in my house done or not!   I already have 8 bar stools out in Court's room that I have to figure out what to do with before Friday evening.  

Also, I did the ironing today because guess who is going to the laundromat AGAIN this week and probably next week too!   Grrrrrrrr     The bright side is that I watched a leftover Christmas movie while I was ironing so at least I was entertained.

So, let's get to some gratitude before I depress myself.

1) Extra sleep on the weekend
2) Christmas movies - the cornier the better
3) Upcoming family visits & there are several
4) The extra rain because we know dry days are coming
5) Remembering how lucky we are that we are able to do this big remodel 

That's all for today, hopefully the next few days will provide much more excitement.

Peace, Love & Grout

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