Monday, March 26, 2012

Ooeey Gooey Rich and and Yummy Caramel Brownies

 well Peeps...I had the best of intentions last week of posting our wonderful food pictures from vacation but somewhere along the line my digestive system and laundry and housework and birthday prepping got in the way.  It's ok, life happens!!  

So instead of boring you to death with vacation photos I'm going to tempt you ruthlessly with these here wonderfullydeliciousnessy sinful brownies.  Many moons ago I had a wonderful coworker, Kathy, who ended up on the bitter end of a nasty thing called colon cancer.  She was a WONDERFUL friend, wife, mother and baker who shared with me this secret recipe of hers before we lost her.  At my wedding shower she gifted me a pyrex baking dish and this marvelous recipe.  I still have the dish and whenever I make this I feel the warmth of Kathy's smile and kind heart shining down from heaven!  

Here we go!!!

1 package of Kraft caramels (unwrapped please)
6 oz. chocolate chips
2/3 cup evaporated milk
1 cup chopped pecans (optional)
3/4 stick of melted butter
1 box German Chocolate Cake mix

In the mixer bowl combine; 1/3 cup evaporated milk, the melted butter, nuts and cake mix.

Just combine it well.

Take half of that mixture and press it into the bottom of a buttered or greased baking dish.
Bake at 350 degrees for 8 minutes.

While the base layer is cooking, put those caramels in a microwave safe bowl along with the other 1/3 cup of evaporated milk and melt slowly in the microwave. 

Stir until smooth.

Pour the caramel right over the top of the hot brownies.

Then sprinkle the chocolate chips over the top.

Finish off the top with the last half of the brownie batter.
I just drop mine in small plops all around the top

Bake for another 15 minutes in the oven and remove to cool.

Now, grab yourself one and enjoy immensely!!

You should probably wait until they cool so you don't burn your mouth.

Unless you'd like to put some ice cream on top in which case I'd say "I think I love you"

Kathy would be proud!

On other news I have the following information to share:
1) I saw the Hunger Games and I'm even more convinced I'm on Team Gale
(yes I've read all three books!)
2)  I have a more than slight addiction to carrots and hummus right now
3) I tried to make the coolest birthday cake EVER this weekend. Epic Fail!!
4) I'm going to cooking class tonight and I'm so excited!

Let me know what's happening in your world!!
Peace, Love and Carmelly Yummies!!

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